Personalized Wardrobe Staples: What works for you is key!

There's a lot of pressure in fashion, and it's easy to feel like you're always missing out on the latest trends. But here's the thing: Trends come and go. And while it's always fun to play in the trends, it's best to remember that what works for you is what you should do. No matter how trendy something is, if it doesn't flatter your body type or make you feel comfortable, then it's not worth wearing.

The trick to staying on trend is to actually identify which basic, general items of clothes always look good and FEEL GOOD on you, then workin your trends in from there. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. 1) Know your wardrobe staples — It's important to know what looks good on you and what doesn't. If something doesn't look right on someone else but looks amazing on you, then it's probably something that can work for your personal style! Also, remember comfort is important! Fashion doesn't have to hurt if you don't want it to.

  2. 2) Don't try too many new things at once — It can be tempting to want to try every trend that comes along, but doing this can actually make it harder to find what works for you because they may not blend together! Instead, find one or two pieces that really speak to you and focus on those until they become a part of your everyday wardrobe. Then move onto something else after that.

Wardrobe staples are key. These are items that you'll likely wear over and over again. Consider investing a bit of money into your wardrobe staples as quality is key. You'll get a lot of wear out of these items. So, you'll want them to last a while.

One of my main wardrobe staples is a pair of black pants. Yes, everyone has a pair of black pants. But an exceptionally tailored pair, that really fits me is what I'm talking about.

A great pair of black pants is something that can take me from day-to-night and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. No matter the shirt, I can toss on a pair of black pants and look FAB! My favorite pair are actually from Express. They're just a straight legged pair of black slacks that I took to a tailor to get fitted. I look absolutely fabulous in them wherever I go, whenever I wear them. I also have a pair of Spanx leggings that I wear religiously. Likely if we've ever met in person, I was wearing these leggings. They are sheer perfection!

A structured blazer and a button down are two other pieces that are typically considered staple pieces. But honestly, I find that I never wear a basic white button down. They're just so boring. And I prefer for my blazers to be fun and flirty with colors and sparkles. I mean, I do work in fashion, after all!

So, instead of those basics, I keep a healthy amount of bodysuits in my closet with a variety of necklines and color-ways. Bodysuits really set the basis for any style, especially when I'm on the go, and pair well with slacks, jeans or a skirt. (Pro Tip: I rarely ever snap the underbody of my bodysuit. I typically just tuck it in like a regular shirt.)

My blazers are where I pull in my trends. If sequins are in style, you an bet I'm wearing a sequin filled blazer! When tie-dye was in, I wore the perfect tie-dyed blazer and received compliments everywhere I went!

Another wardrobe staple of mine are my black and nude-to-me (brown) pumps from Sam Edelman. Both of these heels are the perfect height to give my foot a classic arch, but they're not too high that I can't walk in them for long (like my Louboutin's which literally last me only an hour!) I sell Sam Edelman in my store, mainly because their shoes are so comfortable. Plus, they have a range of classic styles that will be in for years to come.

When I want to get trendy, I'll wear the classic pumps with a more outlandish top. A sheer blouse can be fun and flirty. Paired with my black classic pumps and slacks, I can step comfortably and be ready to take center stage.

Here's the thing about fashion, it's imperative that you find your style and do what works best for you! Identifying your basic, staple pieces and working up from there is always best.


XO, Ashley


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