VA Style Fall/Winter 2022 Editors Letter

“Every day, I get up and get excited to go out and do the work on behalf of Virginia,” says Rita McClenny in response to a question I asked about how she stays so humble (“The Beauty & The Boss,” page 17). McClenny, like many other Boss Ladies I know, have managed to walk the fine line between ego and humility during the time when the scales of success tip in their favor.

Like McClenny, Stephanie Glenn also walks the fine line. In our conversation over lunch, Glenn chatted with me about living through financial struggles and still having the heart to give back to the community around her (“Unlocking The Doors Of Diversity & Inclusion, page 26). 

These women, as beautiful and stylish as they are, still have the heart to educate, advocate and give back to the people around them. Giving back is their purpose. They just happen to be stylish while doing so. 

For me, that’s what ‘Fashion & Philanthropy’ is all about; It’s about highlighting beautiful people who stand for a cause and help those who have difficulty helping themselves. 

It’s important to know that philanthropy is always on trend. Giving back is always “tres chic.”

As elitist as the fashion world can be, when paired with altruism, it quickly becomes disarmed, nonthreatening and fun. That is a good thing. It’s amazing actually. My estimation is that the world would be a better place if people spent as much on charitable causes as they do on their apparel & accessories. According to Value Penguin, the average American woman spends $2,000 a year on clothing. Imagine the changes we could make in the world if she spent just that much on altruism.  

In this issue, we highlight these two women who truly live a fashionably philanthropic lifestyle. We also feature two of the cities most stylish gentlemen, Floyd E. Miller II (Leadership, Legacy & Luxury, page 22) and Andreas Addison (Asking Andreas, page 30). Both have dedicated their lives to giving back to the communities that have given so much to them. 

My belief is that when society’s most fashionable people decide that charity and generosity are ‘In Vogue,’ the surrounding community will follow. 

XO, Ashley


Personalized Wardrobe Staples: What works for you is key!